A rookie battle with CSS


For months, I struggled with positions and displays in CSS...

Until someone on Dev.to casually mentioned using Chrome DevTools to learn CSS faster and my mind was blown :O!

CSS and UI Desgin: my little journey:

So far, I know a lot of CSS elements and pseudo elements, mostly by the help of many YouTube tutorials but my biggest obstacles were:

  • How to position a page

  • What the hell is Z-Index?

  • The page display

It seems no matter how many times I browse YouTube or check CSS Tricks for help, or even outright try to copy/paste their code into my IDE , my page looks always ugly at worst and mediocre at best!

I want to add UI Design to my future skillset and be a proud member of CSS and Design Wizard Community ( it's not real, don't google it ), and the things that I love the most about CSS are:

  • Animation

  • Linear Gradient ( absolute beauty )

  • Selectors such as Hover,Before and After

  • Transitions

My next step:

I'm planning on starting a series on CSS best tricks and practices I learned from various sources ( including my own mishaps :) ) , the name of the series will be "A Beginner Dive into CSS", to document my achievements and hopefully help someone else.